Football FAQ
Tackle Football
DYS Football is a member club of FCYFL (Fairfax County Youth Football League), which is comprised of more than 22 clubs, hundreds of team, and thousands of players from 4 counties in Northern Virginia. It is the only youth tackle program in Loudoun County structured to establish various levels of competition based upon a player’s ability, age (7 -16), and weight. We also have mandatory player participation rules where each player must have a starting position and play the entire game at the National and Central skill divisions. We believe this format gives youth, at different stages of skill and physical development, the best opportunity to participate, learn, and enjoy the great sport of Football and the values it instills.
Registration usually opens April 1
Usually the 1st-week full week of August. Practices are 5 days a week plus a possible scrimmage on the weekend for the first 4 weeks. Once school starts, practices are 3 days a week plus games.
Registration is open to all of Loudoun County but we focus on the area south of Dulles Toll Road and East to route 15. You must be 7 years old as of October 1st & no older than 16 as of Dec. 1st. Note that weight division placement is based on BOTH age and weight. The age/weight matrix below will detail who is eligible and which weight division they will play in. FCYFL implements strict weigh-in processes to determine age, weight, and address verification.
For official league weigh-in, the players MUST have an official DMV Child's ID (aka walker's ID) with a current address. They are mailed to you, so don't wait to last minute. No other form of ID is accepted.
Yes and Yes. There is a minimum weight of 40lbs for the Anklebiter weight class ONLY. No other weight classes have a minimum weight. For maximum weights per weight class, please see next FAQ on age/weight matrix.
- Age 7 is unlimited
- Age 8 can weigh up to 90lbs
- Age 9 can weigh up to 55lbs
- Age 8 is unlimited (100lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 9 can weigh 56lbs to 100lbs
- Age 10 can weigh up to 85lbs
- Age 11 can weigh up to 80lbs
- Age 9 is unlimited (110lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 10 can weigh 86lbs to 110lbs
- Age 11 can weigh 81lbs to 95lbs
- Age 12 can weigh up to 90lbs
- Age 10 is unlimited (120lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 11 can weigh 96lbs to 120lbs
- Age 12 can weigh 91lbs 105lbs
- Age 13 can weigh up to 100lbs
- Age 11 is unlimited (135lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 12 can weigh 106lbs to 130lbs
- Age 13 can weigh 101lbs to 120lbs
- Age 14 can weigh up to 115lbs
- Age 12 is unlimited (150lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 13 can weigh 121lbs to 140lbs
- Age 14 can weigh 116lbs to 135lbs
- Age 15 can weigh up to 130lbs
- Age 13 is unlimited (175lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 14 is unlimited (165lbs Maximum weight for a player to carry the ball)
- Age 15 can weigh 131lbs to 160lbs
- Age 16 can weigh up to 155lbs
* The maximum weight for a player to carry the ball in Anklebiters is 70 lbs. Anklebiter players over the 70lb limit and all other unlimited players at other weight classes are not eligible to play in a position that usually handles the ball unless they are at or below the listed maximum ball carrier weight (the weight limit listed next to "Unlimited/" on the chart above). Positions excluded for unlimited players exceeding the maximum ball carrier limit include all offensive backfield positions, all eligible receivers and tight end positions, and any position not on the first line of a special teams formation. Exceptions include the offensive positions of center, punter, and placekicker.
** 15-year-olds that turn 16 on or before December 31st must play 155lbs.
*** 16-year-olds that turn 17 on or before December 31st are not eligible to play.
Only youth between the ages of 7 and 16 who weigh at least 40lbs may participate in NVYFL. All youth shall play in the Age/Weight Division they are eligible for. There will be no waivers.
Commissioners check birth dates and weights at club registration and the official NVYFL Weigh-In. For example, a 10-year-old will play in the 90# group if he weighs 86 to 100 pounds. He may not play in the 100lb division unless he weighs at least 101 pounds. See the official rulebook for additional information.
Please see Important Dates Page
As of the 2018 season, all players 14 and under can fit into the matrix. See above for rules regarding youngest player in weight class and restrictions.
A physical is recommended but there is no requirement for a medical physical to play for DYS or in the FCYFL league.
Click Here and look for Tackle Football Registration. After registering, please be mindful of emails that might come from our Teamsnap website. This is our only communication method with you if there is a problem.
Refund Policy is described on the registration page and accepted as part of every registration.
The majority of our games are played on Saturdays, however, some are on Sundays, Friday nights and occasionally another weekday night. FCFYL does not alter game schedules based on religious holidays, Commanders games, etc. So your games can be on any day. Please see the program document for more information.
Practices generally run from 5:45 to 8:00PM. Once it begins to get dark earlier, they begin earlier. This may also vary depending on a coach and field schedule availability.
Historically, Freedom H.S., John Champe H.S., Pinebrook E.S., Lunsford M.S. and Byrnes Ridge park have been practice locations allocated but future allocations are dependent on Loudoun PRCS.
Home games are usually at John Champe H.S. FCYFL has 22 member clubs from all over the NoVA region and our away games could be in Arlington, Alexandria, Gainesville, Manassas or anywhere in Fairfax County. When scheduling weekly match-ups, FCYFL tries to look at convenient geographical scheduling, but the availability of facilities (lighted) or lack of lighted fields significantly impacts this process.
Coaches will be listed on the website but teams are not selected until after evaluation week.
There will be two equipment issue dates. One in June and one in July. Further information will be provided to registered participants.
Yes, bring your child. No equipment will be issued without the player present. No parents will be allowed in the equipment issue areas, so bring a book or newspaper as each child will take approximately 30 minutes to fit properly.
Included Equipment: Helmet, Shoulder pads, Game Jersey, Pants and Pads
You need to purchase: Athletic supporter and cup (optional), Practice jersey, Mouth Piece, Cleats
All Anklebiter teams are drafted in order to create equal teams. Most other weight classes split into 1 American Division Team (most experienced players), 1 or 2 Central Division Teams (less experienced players) and 1, 2 or 3 National Division Teams (beginners). We follow FCYFL rules regarding placement of teams, which is determined by the number of players in each weight class. (Ex: 3 teams 1 American & 2 National Teams, 4 teams 1 American, 1 Central & 2 National Teams). Teams are split after the first week of practice or in the first few days of the 2nd week of practice.
Note: If your child is one of the younger or smaller players at any weight class they will "most likely" play in the Central or National conference. It is based on ability and this usually sorts itself out after the first few nights of contact practices.
If your child is not present during the first week or evaluation period (first practice week), they will be evaluated as quickly as possible upon your return. However, they fall behind quickly if they miss an extended period of time. Players are required to have at least 3 days of non-contact practice prior to contact and 5 days of practice before they can be drafted. We highly encourage participants to be present during the month of August. Remember next year when planning vacations, football practice always starts the first week of August.
Spring 7v7 Football
DYS partners with Gainesville and other NVYFL Youth Football Leagues to take advantage of their experience and size in order to provide the best experience for our players. The Youth Football League is a coed flag football league that has been operational since the spring of 2002 and was started to enhance the fall football program by giving coaches and players a chance to work on skill development. It is also used to introduce new coaches into the program and evaluate them based on their overall abilities. Furthermore, 7v7 Passing League Football also provides an opportunity to allow potential tackle players a chance to have a non-contact type of football experience and aid them in their decision whether or not to try tackle football in the fall.
7v7 Football allows for a more realistic non-contact football experience to prepare players for the potential to play Tackle Football. Players will learn proper football formations, passing and coverage concepts, all while maintaining a safe and fun environment to learn!
Registration opens December 1st and Closes March 1st.
Coaches and teams will be listed on the website prior to 1st week of practice.
In order to ensure we have enough coaches for all the teams, we must managed registrations with a waitlist. As soon as additional coaches sign-up for that age division, players will be removed from the waitlist. The best way to make sure everyone can play is to register as a coach.
We have 7v7 Divisions available for 10U / 12U / 14U. League age is determined by the player's age as of 12/31/2024. Players may play up an age division but can not play down.
Please review the Football Home Page and Registration Page to register as a Player and/or Coach
There are no I.D. Requirements for 7v7 Football.
No, there is no requirement for a medical physical to play.
Practices begin mid to late March. Teams will have 1-2 practices per week, with all games played on Sundays. Practice days will be determined by Coaches.
We encourage all players to join us - even if they are already playing another spring sport!
Games are played on Sundays. Each team will play 2 games each Sunday, with most games either back-to-back or with a short 30min break in between.
Practice fields have not been allocated by the county yet, but all practices will be in the Dulles area. Practice times will vary depending on a coach's schedule but will usually be between 5:30pm and 7:30pm.
All Games will be played at Grizzly Sports Complex located at:
10600 Determination Drive, Nokesville, VA 20181
Each team will play 2 games per Sunday. Times will vary from week to week, but both games will either be played back-to-back, or with a short 30min break in between.
10U: Players eligible for this division must have a birthdate 1/1/2014 or later.
12U: Players eligible for this division must have a birthdate 1/1/2012 or later.
14U: Players eligible for this division must have a birthdate 1/1/2010 or later.
**please note players can play up an age division, but can not play down.
Age divisions are divided into 1) Elite or 2) National. These teams and opponents are based upon experience and skill level.
DYS will provide: Game Jerseys; Game Shorts; Protective Head Gear
You need to purchase: Athletic supporter and cup (if desired), Mouth Piece, Cleats, and Socks.
K2 or "Pee Wee"
TDJ or "Junior"
TDY or "Youth" (NFHS H.S. size also allowed)
To be posted soon.
Players will be divided into teams following the player evaluation in Mid march (date/location to be announced)
At the end of the season, all teams will participate in a single day double elimination tournament.
Still have questions that are not addressed by this FAQ? Feel free to email football@dullesyouth.com