Welcome to the Middle School Softball Program in Loudoun County!
While Loudoun has a number of recreation, travel softball, and high school softball programs providing opportunities for female athletes, it does not have a middle school program like the ones in neighboring counties or the ones in place for boys’ baseball, football, volleyball, and wrestling in Loudoun. Spring 2019 was the inaugural season with 3 softball leagues (AGSL, LGSL, LGLLS) and 10 schools participating. The rules under which the Middle School teams play, as well as their current involvement in other athletic programs serving the Dulles area, Dulles Youth Sports (DYS) is now the supporting organization for the middle schools in the Dulles area.
Dulles Youth Sports Softball is a participating member of the Loudoun County Middle School Softball Program.
What Leagues/Schools are participating in the Program?
Ashburn Girls Softball League (AGSL)
** Belmont Ridge, Eagle Ridge, Farmwell Station, Trailside
Dulles Youth Sports (DYS)
** Brambleton, Lunsford, Mercer, Stone Hill, Willard
Leesburg Girls Softball League (LGSL)
** Harper Park, Simpson, Smarts Mill
Lower Loudoun Girls Softball Leage (LLGSL)
** River Bend, Seneca Ridge, Sterling Middle
Western Loudoun Girls Softball League (WLGSL)
** Blue Ridge, Harmony